Friday, August 24, 2007

The King vs Margaret Reily

Here is an interesting series of items from the South Carolina Department of Archives & History. Dated October and November 1771, there is a series of records, the king vs. Margaret Reily, accused of larceny; the king vs. Margaret Reily, indicted and arraigned for larceny; the king vs. Margaret Reily, trial for larceny; the king vs. Margaret Reily, sentenced for larceny. I have only viewed the index entries for these proceedings, and do not know the seriousness of this matter. I can imagine, however, in the political strife immediately preceding the American Revolution, it might be unfavorable to have a wife or mother named Margaret Reily. I might be tempted to move overmountain and change my name to Burton. I have not discovered who this Margaret Reily is, but closer study may be worthwhile.

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