Many Indian tribes were matriarchal; i. e. children were of their mothers’ clans. Since that was the Indian way (and male descent was barely kin) I thought it would be interesting to post the female lineage (by the way, this matches the mitochondrial DNA transmission through the generations). Here is what I have for our maternal lineage from Princess Mary of the Piscataway. If I ever get to Maryland, I would like to visit our cousins and their museum there; maybe meet the current Tayac/ emperor (it appears they are now using “Tayac” as a surname).
- Chitamachen (later Kittamaquund), Tayac of Piscataway tribe>
- Mary (married Giles Brent)>
- *Katherine Brent (married Richard Marsham)>
- Katherine Marsham (married Samuel Queen)>
- Margaret Queen (married John Belt)>
- Katherine Belt (married Benjamin Brashear III)>
- Sarah “Sallie” Brashear (married Christian Bingaman, Jr.)>
- Catharine Bingaman (married William Washington White)>
- Sarah Ann White (married Samuel Doherty)>
- Mary Catharine W(hite) Doherty (married Albert George Reily)> William Morgan Reily (male lineage)>>Barbara
- Sarah Ann Reily (married Robert Wesley Reiley, Jr.)> George Herndon Reily (male lineage)>> Larry
- Dolly> Patsy> Arlene= DIRECT MATERNAL LINE
* There is some dispute that Katherine Brent was a niece of Giles’. If there is a female- line descendant of Katherine Brent’s sister, a DNA comparison with Patsy, Anne, or Arlene could settle that question.
I've been looking for a direct female descendent of Katherine Brent, so that a mtDna test could be run to verify that Mary Kittamaqund is her mother. Has this test been run? If Katherine's descendant comes up with a NA haplogroup, then it proves she was in fact Mary's daughter, and would settle the dispute.
Richard Brent of Goucestershire, England (1573-1652) got married in 1594 to Elizabeth Reed.
Their son, Giles Brent, Sr. (1606-1671) got married in 1644 to Mary Kittamaqund (1633-1655).
Mary Kittamagund's father died in 1639, and he was "Uwanno" and the "Emperor" of
the Native Indian Tribe, Kittamagundi.
Giles Brent, Sr. and Mary Kittamagund had a daughter,
Katherine Brent who got married to
Richard Marsham.
Katherine died in 1713.
Other sources say that Giles and Mary Kittamaqund had 6 children, of whom four lived:
Mary - married an Englishman named John Fitzherbert, and Giles, Richard and Katherine
(Henry and Margaret died young.)
Katherine married Richard Marsham.
Other sources state that Katherine was a daughter of Edmond Brent and the
niece of Giles Brent, Sr.
If that were true, Cris Ericson would have no Native American Indian bloodline,
but the majority of sources confirm that Katherine is the daughter
of Giles Brent, Sr. and Mary Kittamaquund.
There are various spellings of Kittamaquund or Kittamagund. Remember, the Native
American Indians did not use our alphabet, these spellings are based on how the
settlers decided to spell out what they heard the Native American Indians pronouncing.
Katherine Brent and Richard Marsham's daughter,
Sarah Marsham (12)
married Basil Waring of Calvert County, Maryland
Sarah Marsham and Basil Waring had a son,
Basil Waring
(1683 born Calvert County, Maryland -1734 died Prince George's County, Maryland)
and he married Martha Greenfield (she died 1758 Queen Anne County).
Basil Waring and Martha Greenfield
had a daughter Martha Waring,
who married Charles Burgess
(he died in 1740).
Martha Waring and Charles Burgess had a daughter,
Ann Burgess (she died in 1806)
and she married James Haddock Smith.
James Haddock Smith was born in 1710 in Prince George's County, Maryland.
Ann Burgess and James Haddock Smith had a daughter,
Martha Smith (1756-1843).
James Haddock Smith died in 1806 and Cris Ericson has his Last
Will and Testament, with an actual Seal,
sealed by the Orphan's Court of Prince George's
County Maryland.
Martha Smith married in 1778 to
William Nicholls (1744 - 1792 Prince George's County, Maryland).
Martha Smith and William Nicholls had a daughter,
Ann Nichols (1774 born Prince George's County, Maryland -
died 1844 Shelby County, Kentucky)
In 1793 Ann Nicholls married Joseph Clark (1760 born Prince George's
County, Maryland - died 1822 Shelby County, Kentucky)
Ann Nicholls and Joseph Clark had a son named
Willet Nichols Clark (born 1819 Shelby County, Kentucky - 1871).
in 1848 Willett Nichols Clark married Elizabeth Jane Saunders (1829-1914).
Willett Nichols Clark and Elizabeth Jane Saunders had a daughter,
Lucinda Clark (1849-1878).
In 1870 Lucinda Clark married William Robert Magruder (1840-1930)
Lucinda Clark and William Robert Magruder had a daughter,
Mary Magruder (1873-1958)
Mary Magruder married Larse Ericson who immigrated
to the United States from Sweden (1854-1915).
Mary Magruder and Larse Ericson had a son,
George Ericson.
George Ericson married Mary Ricker of Virginia and they
had a son - John Ericson who married Susan,
and they gave birth to 4 children, including Cris Ericson.
Cris Ericson's mitochondrial dna comes from her mother,
and the Native American Indian line in on her father's side.
My wife Debe has a family story of a relative marrying an "indian princess" probably in Maryland in the mid 1650 to 1750 range. The family name was Wakelin or Weakland and many of the relatives in Cambria County Pa. have this info but nothing hard. Sounds similar to the Mary Kittanaquand/Giles Brent story. Any thoughts ?
Tom Fannin
Greetings, all - I am another who's interested in nailing down Katherine Brent's parentage; if Giles Brent is indeed Katherine's father, and Katherine did indeed marry Richard Marsham then have a daughter named Mary who married Charles Bevins/Beavins, I would be a direct-line female descendant and would happily submit a DNA sample if it would help clarify things.
Many tidbits I find cite the fact that Katherine was not mentioned in either Giles' or his sister Margaret's will as proof that Katherine was not Giles' daughter. But I can't help wondering whether simple prejudice might not explain that. I.e., if Giles married the Indian princess exclusively in an attempt to gain land rights, etc., but those advantages never transpired (as it is frequently noted in various accounts of this situation that they did not), would it be possible that he was the sort of person who in later years would simply not have wanted to officially acknowledge a Native American daughter? And, if he did feel that way, given the fact that multiple sources confirm the extent to which Giles' and Margaret's business interests were interconnected, would he have directed Margaret to do the same? I intend to run that theory by a history prof somewhere if I can find one who'd like to hazard a guess as to the likelihood of the Brents adopting such a stance regarding a child of Native American heritage born within the bonds of legal marriage.
Hope to hear from someone; I'm desperate to claim my Plantagenet ancestry, which this Brent link will accomplish for me!
Sarah Shankland Merlin
I am a direct female descendant of Mary Kittamaquund. She is my 10th great-grandmother. My line is Brent, Marsham, Queen, Belt, Brashear, Crane, Christie, Bertron, and 4 more. I am interested in research about this line and in corresponding with cousins. I have taken DNA test through Clarissa
I am a direct female descendant of Mary Kittamaquund. She is my 10th great-grandmother. My line is Brent, Marsham, Queen, Belt, Brashear, Crane, Christie, Bertron, and 4 more. I am interested in research about this line and in corresponding with cousins. I have taken DNA test through Clarissa
Just came across this thread, and though it is an old one, thought it might be helpful to refer the reader to the analysis I posted on WikiTree earlier this year:
Jack Day
I found this recently showing DNA testing has proven that Katherine Brent is daughter of the Indian princess.
I have been puzzling over Katherine Brent for months. I read both sides of the story: those who say she IS the daughter of Giles Brent and Mary Kittamaquund and those who say she is Edmund's daughter, or Katherine Fisher, or a totally made up person.
Didn't the DNA study settle this? If not, why not?
I am descended from Katherine Marsham & Samuel Queen. They are my 5th Great Grandparents.
=> Marsham Queen (4th GG)
=> Richard Queen (3rd GG)
=> James Queen (2nd (GG)
=> Joseph Queen (1st GG)
=> William D. Queen (my grandfather)
=> Anna Elizabeth Queen (my mother)
I would LOVE to know who Katherine Brent is. Richard Marsham and Katherine (whoever she is) are my 6th Great Grandparents.
Would love to discuss further.
Thank you,
Beth Queen Hagan
I can understand the skepticism about Katherine Brent - she is not mentioned in the Brent wills (Giles' or Margaret's). But her last name is BRENT and how many Brent families could have been in the Maryland colony in 1649? And my research of her husband, Richard Marsham, reveals an ambitious and amorous man. He traveled in important circles and it is likely that he knew Giles Brent and his family. His 2nd wife was Anne Calvert, daughter of Leonard Calvert, Gov. of Maryland, and granddaughter of the 1st Lord of Baltimore. Anne Calvert's mother was Mary Brent (Giles' sister). Would love to find this matter settled as well.
Her last name is unknown. What we know about Richard Marsham's wife is that her name was Katherine. Period. And that she had been an indentured servant. It makes no sense that a daughter of the prominent Brent family would be sold into what really was temporary slavery; indentures for 7 years were usually the way a poor immigrant paid for her or his passage. There was a Katherine Fisher of the right age on a neighboring plantation, and after her marriage to Richard Marsham, his wife Katherine gave some property to another indentured servant on that plantation.
People with talent, ambition and energy could move upwards in early Maryland society and Richard Marsham is one who did, so it's not surprising that he married Anne Calvert late in life. I stand by my research and the resulting article at
I think that I agree with you, Jackson.
In my own case, my mother (who died in 1973) didn't seem to know much about her family, but she did say a few things. Like that we were kin to certain families that I've since found on my family tree, way back.
But she also remarked that a local KY family, the Blanford's, were descended from the Indians. They are, indeed, in the Mary Brent line of descendants. If that bit of knowledge had been passed down through the generations, surely she would have known if her own heritage had had a Native American mother.
But why do you suppose the name "Brent" has been attached to her?
I've also heard from the Potters that they have concluded that Mary Kittamaquund is too far back for the DNA analysis to be valid.
Anyway, thank you for your research and article, Mr. Jackson Day. It is the best one I have read so far, and the one that convinced me. I also appreciate your many linked references at the bottom.
I feel confident now to take Giles Brent and Mary Kittamaquund off of my tree. That now leaves 2 dead ends (Richard Marsham and Katherine ?). But it has been a fascinating discovery nonetheless, and I learned very much about early colonial Maryland and Virginia in the process.
My focus now is on the story of the Queens and Queens Chapel in what is now Washington D.C.
Does your line that goes back to Richard Marsham also go back to Sampson Waring? I seem to be able to take Sampson's ancestry back a thousand years!
I don't think so.
I go from Richard Marsham & Katherine Brent to
Samuel Queen & Katherine Marsham
Marsham Queen
Richard Queen
James Queen
Joseph Queen
William D. Queen
Anna Eliz. Queen (my mother)
But I remember seeing the Warings somewhere. The descendants of Marsham's daughter Sarah Marsham?
Saw something that Basil Waring (son of Sampson Waring) was Katherine Marsham's 2nd husband. She was married to Baker Brooke II, and then Samuel Queen. I don't know where she would have been married to Basil Waring.
Sarah Marsham, daughter of Richard, was married three times, first to William Barton, then to Basil Waring, then to James Haddock.
Richard Marsham was married twice, first to Katherine, who I believe was Fisher, then to Anne Calvert.
Katherine Marsham -- not Richard's wife, but his daughter -- married first Baker Brooke and then Samuel Queen.
So your line back to Richard Marsham goes through his daughter Katherine, while mine goes back through his daughter Sarah.
Yes. It looks that way.
Anyway, we're cousins!
Thanks for your help. Good for me to get the Katherine Brent/Fisher problem settled in my mind.
Did you know about Richard Marsham's 2 mulatto sons, "mulatto Robin" (Robert Pearle) and another mulatto, James?
I have a rather informal page where I am gathering my information:
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